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<jackhill>thanks agian RavenJoad and ieure
<jackhill>I'm still curious about a generic way to learn more about a shepherd service
<RavenJoad>jackhill: The fastest way I know of is to read the source for the service. As far as I know, shepherd does not have an easy way to do runtime CLI introspection.
<Guest83>Warning (unlock-file): Unlocking file: Invalid argument, ~/Desktop/Emacs/Denote/dev/.dir-locals.el, ignored: The Emacs directory is a SMB share.  Is locking not supported on a SMB share?
<Guest83>nvm my question, wrong channel
<adi-lb-phoenix>So I have git repository . I want to be able to able to install my repo using the command guix install <myreponame>. I have cloned the latest version of the repository . I have found hash of it using "guix hash -rx ." This is my .scm code I want to be able to install the repository after executing the code. Need
<adi-lb-phoenix>some help doing that.
<jaft``>adi-lb-phoenix: put "my-hello" at the end of the file (so your defined package is the last thing returned) and then run "guix package -f the-file-name.scm" (in the directory the .scm file's in, of course). That should get you what you need.
<adi-lb-phoenix>jaft`` here what does "my-hello" technically represent ? It is not the name of the repository nor a name of any file. I have just given a random name. Is that of any significance here?
<jaft``>Nope; it's just a variable so, like any variable, you can name it anything. If you wound up trying to add this to the Guix repo.s to make it available for others, they'd probably ask you to name it to something more useful for organization/ease-of-readability; but it's just convention. Technically, you can give it any variable name you want.
<adi-lb-phoenix>jaft`` Noted .So I ran the command as suggested. I got the error missing closing parenthesis
<jaft``>Yeah; looks like you didn't close things properly. Looks like you need two closing parentheses on line 17.
<jaft``>And one more on line 25.
<adi-lb-phoenix>jaft`` I made some small changes . Am i allowed to post my errors here?
<jaft``>Sure; as long as it's in a pastebin (like the one you've been using), perfectly fine.
<adi-lb-phoenix>jaft`` here is the error
<jaft``>O. K.; you're close but you still need an extra closing parenthesis on line 17. And, with that one added, remove one from line 25.
<adi-lb-phoenix>jaft`` error: (method git fetch): invalid field specifier . I received this
<jaft``>Ahh; I know what it is. Lemme find one of my files last time I tried packaging something…
<jaft``>Yeah; you'll want to turn "git fetch" to "git-fetch" (with the hyphen), on line 12. Also, add the module "(guix git-download)" as that's where it lives.
<jaft``>Also, it's going to complain about not knowing which commit to pull from. Have you tagged your repo.? Pulling from a particular tag'll be easiest.
<jaft``>(though we can always pull from a particular commit, too; perfectly possible)
<adi-lb-phoenix>jaft`` will (guix download) not be enough? what is the difference between (guix download) and (guix git-download)
<adi-lb-phoenix>jaft`` I havent tagged the repo. So I should add (commit <hash_of_that_commit>) and place it inside the origin list right?
<jaft``>I don't know what all else is in each respective module but I know that "(guix download)" has "url-fetch" while "(guix git-download)" has "git-fetch". You'd use "url-download" if you were downloading an archive file which contains the source code. Since you're pulling from a repo., you'll want "git-fetch", instead; hence needing "(guix git-download)".
<jaft``>Yep; specifically, you'll want to place it inside "git-reference" (which is, indeed, inside of the "origin").
<jaft``>*url-fetch; not url-download…
<adi-lb-phoenix>i get "hint: Did you forget a `use-modules' form? I have placed the (guix git-download) as ( define-module .... (guix git-download))
<jaft``>Did you get something like "error: cmake-build-system: unbound variable" before the hint?
<adi-lb-phoenix>Yes, that too
<adi-lb-phoenix>I was observing that. Do I need to be aware of anything while using cmake-build-system ?
<jaft``>No; at least, nothing major. Swap "(guix build-system gnu)" for "(guix build-system cmake)".
<jaft``>You'd want "(guix build-system gnu)" if you were using "gnu-build-system" but that's not the case, here.
<adi-lb-phoenix>i got an error : invalid field specifier.
<adi-lb-phoenix>tried "build-system gnu" and "gnu-build-system". I got the same error as mentioned above
<adi-lb-phoenix>oh man. i got it
<jaft``>Oh; I'm assuming you want to use cmake so you should leave "cmake-build-system" as is. You want to swap the reference to the "(guix build-system gnu)" module with "#:use-module (guix build-system cmake)".
<jaft``>All in all, should end up something like this:
<adi-lb-phoenix>Yes correct.
<adi-lb-phoenix>now i sort have other awesome errors popping up
<adi-lb-phoenix> jaft``
<jaft``>Looks like your hash doesn't match up. I'm guessing you must've changed it recently? The one you originally shared works, for me. Oh; unless you're not using the latest commit, maybe? I plugged in commit "473274aa4df13657080744ee6ebc779e21809535". But, basically, the gist of the error is that the code Guix pulled doesn't match the hash you provided.
<jaft``>Without changing anything else, you can bypass it by changing what's in base32 with "0dpkfaazml2sml0b2kgncq4gl5izyyx5jp8krrfm0wj49v0pnxlw", instead of "0pyg7f4dk9h3y2r60qmaqr2pmj3jk18f1dwjdi5glfb4szab3hny".
<adi-lb-phoenix>I just want to build it now for the first time. I changed the content in base32. The output . Do I have to build the .drv file separately. I Havent given any instructions of what exactly to execute after pulling the repo.
<jaft``>Nope; that's for Guix to handle. You will want to check out the error log (/var/log/guix/drvs/l1/26rsz7yj9m68db0rmcp8qg1dksdfdd-llama_lisp-1.drv.bz2); that'll have details on what went wrong.
<jaft``>I may be able to help less, here; I don't have much of any experience with either C or CL. But, in general, Guix tries to make building easier by it knowing how to handle various types of builds. In theory, you select the appropriate build type and that build type will know the relevant files it needs and just do the right thing.
<jaft``>(so, for example, "gnu-build-type" will try to run ./configure (if it exists) and, then, "make" because that's how that particular build type tends to go)
<jaft``>There are always edge cases and you can modify the phases that get run to try and deal with those but, like I said, I'm less familiar with this build type, if we need to do more than, say, provide some dependencies.
<adi-lb-phoenix>interesting . I see. I see . I will read more on it and get back. Thanks a lot jaft``. I really did learn basics of guix more cause of you!
<jaft``>Sure thing! Always happy to help, if I can.
<Guest98>Hello! I am curious if anyone can assist me in printing the value of %base-user-accounts via the guix repl?
<thanosapollo>hello guix!
<thanosapollo>Has anyone configured linux-libre to work with AMD ATI Radeon without the nonfree firwares? Saw this on libreplanet <> and was curious about it
<adi-lb-phoenix>jaft`` I tried the same code on another repository, but i received a different error this time
<jaft``>I think the hash doesn't have enough characters to be a base32 hash. I noticed it only has 51 characters while the ones we were working with, before, are 52. Perhaps you missed a character?
<jaft``>adi-lb-phoenix: 👆️ (forgot to tag you)
<adi-lb-phoenix>oh yes.!! jaft`` 🙌
<lilyp>hmm, I get too many authentication failures on git pull – did something change?
<adi-lb-phoenix>I am inserting "(license apache)" at the end . But when i do "guiz package -f filename.scm", I get an error saying "error: apache: unbound variable". How can I write licenses properly in the .scm installation scripts?
<adi-lb-phoenix>"guix package -f filename.scm"
<adi-lb-phoenix>Is there any guide?
<jaft``>adi-lb-phoenix: I'm not sure if it's in the documentation, anyway, but – looking in the modules file, in the Guix repo – it looks like the variable names are asl1.1 and asl2.0 (for versions 1.1 and 2.0, respectively).
<jaft``>Yeah; looks like the documentation even points to looking at the repo., for the full list ( Savannah seems to be down, at the moment – though –, so I can't link to the licenses module, I'm afraid.
<adi-lb-phoenix>Also to build a repo from scratch and be to install it using the command "guix install repo" can I use the above link and recreate thr tutorial?
<jaft``>adi-lb-phoenix: If you wanted to install your package without using "guix package -f …" (or using "--install-from-file=", instead of "-f"), you'd have to add your package definition to a channel (whether the Guix channel or your own); I don't think the tutorial I linked to covers that (notice it uses "guix package --install-from-file=…").
<adi-lb-phoenix>The aim is to be able to do "guix install repo_name" . So approach I am following now is, Try to build locally by using the .scm program. After that create a channel and do guix pull.
<jaft``>Makes sense, to me; that's probably how I'd tackle it, too.
<Kabouik>I am trying to use ./pre-inst-env in my clone of the Guix git repository to test my package definitions, but I am getting: "/home/mat/Projects/guix/guile: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". Any idea what could be wrong? This happens both in my environment or in a guix shell after ./boostrap and ./configure.
<glenneth>Hey Folx. I'm running gnome on guixsd and I want to switch to swaywm. Having problems with network access though. I can't run any sort of git command and I can't access smb shares on my network. Everything works just fine under gnome though
<glenneth>Looking for suggestions as to what may not be getting loaded under sway. I'm dropping to tty2, logging in and running exec sway from the cli
<jpoiret>glenneth: networkmanager is probably not set-up, depends on how you switched from gnome to sway
<jpoiret>do you have %desktop-services in your system config?
<jpoiret>Kabouik: i'd do `rm guile scripts/guix` then make again
<Kabouik>jpoiret: are they regenerated by ./bootstrap and ./configure?
<jpoiret>they should
<jpoiret>well no, by make
<glenneth>jpoiret: I do. I can post my current system config if that would help
<jpoiret>glenneth: can you even ping some adresses?
<Kabouik>I may not have understood the correct workflow then. What I did is (1) git clone Guix, (2) edit gnu/packages/terminals.scm with my changes, (3) guix shell -D guix --pure, (4) ./bootstrap && ./configure, and (5) ./pre-inst-env guix build fzf. But now after deleting the scripts and doing all that again, I get "./pre-inst-env: line 55: exec: guix: cannot execute: Is a directory", I don't think that's expected
<jpoiret>Kabouik: did you run `make`?
<Kabouik>So if I add make to the step (4), is that the correct workflow?
<Kabouik>make failed because makeinfo command is not found (in the guix shell)
<Kabouik>Among other thigns
<jpoiret>huh. is your external guix up-to-date?
<jpoiret>ie. the one you call with `guix shell -D guix`?
<Kabouik>I may not understand, does that mean my "real" Guix? I haven't reconfigured in a few weeks. I can try that.
<lilyp>guix pull ought to suffice, but you really should reconfigure more regularly ;)
<Kabouik>My latest guix pull was a couple days ago, or yesterday
<jpoiret>i never remember which package provides makeinfo, is it texinfo?
<jpoiret>welp, I have texinfo in the shell you posted
<Kabouik>There was an issue with po4 in the make output too as far as I remember, before makeinfo. Cannot go back that far in the buffer now because I'm reconfiguring.
<Kabouik>The make commands seems to run for much longer now, which was a good sign, but it just failed with:
<Kabouik>I'm confused, I'm following but the issue persists
<lilyp>Am I the only one who gets authentication failures from Savannah SSH?
<jpoiret>Kabouik: at that point i'd do `git clean -dfX .` and start over
<pranavats>Hi. Does anyone have a working package definition for Opentoonz (2D animation software)?
<adi-lb-phoenix>So I am using a cmake build system to build my repo. This contains the input fed to the cmake-build-system. What exactly do these mean and how do I install all the other packages that are needed by the repo. How can I give installation instructions.? Such as creating an environment, executing commands a certain
<jpoiret>adi-lb-phoenix: wdym executing commands in a certain way?
<jpoiret>that's cmake's job
<jpoiret>your CMake configuration should be able to build and install your project in the usual way
<adi-lb-phoenix>jpoiret so where do I give the cmake configerations? Should they be in the arguments and the input field?
<pranavats>libh: I see that you mentioned working on a package for Opentoonz back in 2022 ( Would you be able to share your package definition?
<pranavats>On another note, since the earlier discussion on packaging opentoonz didn't cover this, the software is affected by at least 50 CVEs, because of depending on an old customized libtiff.
<pranavats>I guess that makes it unfit for including in guix at all, atm.
<theesm>hi guix, does anyone else have connectivity issues to, savannah and or is something broken on my end?
<lilyp>savannah now gives me a refused connection, so it's not just you
<spenc>pranavats, looks like theres a patch fedora uses:
<jpoiret>adi-lb-phoenix: don't you have a CMakeLists.txt?
<pranavats>Oh. Thanks spenc.
<civodul>uh, debbugs down?
<dariqq>seems to be this problem :
<Kabouik>`git clean -dfX .` fixed it jpoiret, thank you. My attempt at upgrading the fzf definition failed, though.
<Guest17>hi, I removed guile from my profile installed guile-next now when i try to roll back i get the error
<Guest17>using guix package --roll-back and guix install/remove gives me this error i can use guix with other users without any problems
<Guest17>also when i run guile the variable make-custom-binary-output-port is bound inside the (ice-9 binary-ports) module can someone help me with this issue
<civodul>uh, too late
<Guest17>i also tried restarting
<adi-lb-phoenix>jpoiret so the repository has CMakeLists.txt. Should I add them to propagated-inputs in the .scm installation program ?
<adi-lb-phoenix>or there is any other way to use the CMakeLists.txt
<wehlutyk>Hello Guix!
<wehlutyk>I'm trying to get emacs running on a reMarkable2, which last year had two problems
<wehlutyk>on one side, building rust on armv7 is currently stuck because it
<wehlutyk>needs more than 2GiB memory
<wehlutyk>On the other side, cross-compiling rust
<wehlutyk>isn't yet working under Guix as far as I know
<wehlutyk>Though I just came across
<wehlutyk> Rust updates like
<wehlutyk>which make me wonder if rust cross-compilation would become a topic?
<zimoun>Am I the only one not able to “git fetch” from Savannah?
<zimoun>“fatal: Could not read from remote repository.”
<lilyp>nope, I asked about that earlier
<lilyp>dariqq shared this:
<dthompson>it's because of the crowdstrike update ;)
<Franciman>dthompson: do we use crowdstrike too?
<Franciman>OPS NO
<Franciman>i'm making fun of all my colleagues who usually make fun of me for using guix
<Franciman>no wait we do :(
<Franciman>does fsf use windows?
<Franciman>civodul: i submitted the paper citing Guix System for the experiments! :)
<jackhill>fun thing for me: work requires crowdstrike, but since they don't have a version that works with Guix, I got an exception (much to me delight)!
<Franciman>i'm so proud
<Franciman>jackhill: LOL
<civodul>Franciman: the paper? what paper?
<civodul>now i want to know more :-)
<Franciman>a paper on knowledge representation and reasoning
<Franciman>i used the guix shell facility A LOT
<zimoun>Or the world mess is just a cover for an attack against free software by proprietary software. Conspiracy!
<Franciman>and was also able to have a reproducible environment
<Franciman>with guix pack
<Franciman>awesome :')
<civodul>Franciman: sounds fun!
<zimoun>Is down?
<ieure>Someone should just put whatever thing is down in the topic.
<jackhill>Anyone have examples of a system configuration that uses u-boot's EFI facilities to chainload grub-uefi? I'm curious about using Grub's LUKS functionality for instance.
<lilyp>Franciman: oh, you have a DOI or a preprint?
<civodul>zimoun: nope!
<zimoun>civodul: thanks. That’s weird, my laptop doesn’t connect to it but all the rest is fine… Hum?!
<efraim>I might have to merge the rust-team branch slightly blind. if says it looks good that might have to be enough
<civodul>efraim: i think core-updates was first, no?
<civodul>also before go-team actually :-)
<dariqq>debbugs is alive again for me
<efraim>there's been a couple. core-updates is looking better though
<efraim>perhaps next round on rust-team I'll go through and try to make everything use a newer rust-cbindgen and other crates that always seem to just use the then-newest versions
<efraim>its "not the way upstream does it" but it should speed up building if there are fewer duplicate crates with different versions needing to be built
<Deltafire>what does this mean, at the end of the unattended-upgrades.log: guix system: error: no matching generation
<Deltafire>seems like everything went okay apart from that error
<efraim>I get that too sometimes and haven't had any issues
<civodul>Deltafire: it’s fine: that’s because it tries to delete old generations at the end, and in this case there were none to delet
<Deltafire>ah.. that makes sense
<civodul>see ‘system-expiration’ at
<lilyp>Is it expected that glib rebuilds after everything that happened?
<lilyp>okay, no, it turns out i hade a super world rebuild on my master branch
<civodul>oh, careful not to push ;-)
<civodul>efraim: BTW, ‘rust-branch’ is mostly built it seems:
<efraim>civodul: I limited it to x86_64 to not overwhelm the aarch64 build machines. It's been pretty much ready for months, that's why I was thinking of jumping the queue
<civodul>efraim: oh, i see
<civodul>hopefully we can finish ‘core-updates’ and merge it afterwards
<lilyp>civodul: what's doxygen on core-updates rn?
<civodul>on ‘core-updates’, the main issue right now is libfaketime segfaulting in the ‘nss’ tests
<civodul>on i686-linux
<civodul>lilyp: doxygen builds fine on ‘core-updates’ (x86_64-linux at least)
<lilyp>i mean the version
<dthompson>civodul: btw yesterday I finally got around to submitting a patch for guile 3.0.10.
<civodul>dthompson: yay, thanks!
<civodul>ACTION looks
<dthompson>initially it was going to cause 3k rebuilds, but that was because shepherd referred to guile-3.0-latest. I sent a follow-up patch to fix that
<dthompson>now shepherd refers to guile-3.0 instead.
<dthompson>total rebuilds is down to 47 now
<efraim>I might mess with qemu and qemu-minimal more to reduce the inputs to qemu-minimal to only firmware that's actually used on that architecture
<lilyp>If it's 1.11.0 I've made an independent discovery; if not, I'll have to wait and submit
<dthompson>civodul: thanks for looking! want to make sure what I did for shepherd is OK
<civodul>yep, looks like it!
<civodul>(just replied)
<lilyp>okay, it's 1.9.8
<dthompson>civodul: awesome, thanks!
<dthompson>hmmm I haven't pushed in awhile and now I get "unknown introductory commit and signer"... gotta look into what I do to fix this
<zimoun>dthompson: yeah I find the message unhelpful, then Section “guix git authenticate” in the manual does not help much. Then the helpful section is Building from Git.
<dthompson>hehe I am reading the guix git docs now... I will move to the other section
<dthompson>this has just been working for me for so long that I haven't thought about it in years lol
<dthompson>ah yes, this is what I needed
<dthompson>thanks zimoun
<zimoun>well, display commit 9edb3f66fd807b096b48283debdcddccfea34bad and associated signature would help, IMHO
<zimoun>I mean when invoking “guix git authenticate”.
<z572`> Anyone else want to add a new translation? I'll be pushing it soon
<dthompson>alright, I'm good now. pushed guile 3.0.10 upgrade!
<dthompson>thanks civodul and zimoun
<zimoun>wow 3.10 awesome!
<civodul>ty, dthompson!
<civodul>z572`: i posted a French translation :-)
<z572`>civodul: Thanks, I sent the v4 version, If it's okay, I'll push it
<efraim>ugh, the always annoying bit. I put the (if (this-package-input "openbios-qemu-ppc") ...) in the main package and then tried to take the other branch from the inherited package
<dariqq>anyone else getting an error during guix pull? It is failing to build guix-cli-core.drv with "unexpected kwarg syms ((#:key-type key-type #f)) (t1176)"
<freakingpenguin>dariqq: Same here
<dariqq>i guess it is the guile-3.0.10 update?
<freakingpenguin>Looks like it. time-machine fails started at 24163eea58
<civodul>ACTION looks
<civodul>freakingpenguin, dariqq: i reverted the offending commits so we can investigate without pressure
<efraim>civodul: perhaps guile in (guix self) shouldn't be guile-3.0-latest if the other guile modules aren't built with it
<civodul>efraim: maybe, but it should be fine
<dariqq>thank you
<civodul>dthompson: so i had to revert as i wrote in, sorry about that!
<civodul>looks like a weird compiler bug
<dthompson>civodul: strange! I did a 'guix pull' after and it worked for me. :(
<dthompson>thanks for reverting
<the_tubular>How do I use "keyctl" on guix ?
<dthompson>I wonder what I could do to catch this upgrade issue in the future. I can't explain why 'guix pull' worked for me but was clearly broken for others.
<jaft``>the_tubular: looks like it's in the package "keyutils"; install that (or use it in a shell, etc.) and you should get access to it.
<the_tubular>guix search keyutils is empty
<jaft``>Hmm…I'm not sure, then. I'm able to find it…:
<ieure>the_tubular, Are you on a way old Guix? I see it on a machine I haven't pulled on in months.
<jaft``>Mmm; good point. That could be a cause.
<the_tubular>Umm, i guess I must have made a typo, I see it now
<the_tubular>Sorry about that