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<wizard>anyway, anyone have any ideas about this emacs package? i can provide a package definition and logs if needed
<jaft``>wizard: probably good to provide those, just in case anyone can help. Unfortunately, that sounds like you'd need a modified version of emacs-build-system, which is already out of my experience (I haven't packaged any Emacs packages, yet).
<wizard>haha that's what i was afraid of
<wizard>even just that tip helped though ty :)
<RavenJoad>freakingpenguin: That would work from the run-time perspective. I like that, since if you reconfigure, you get a different hash at the end too. Just for completeness' sake, can this be done at build-time too?
<freakingpenguin>RavenJoad: I think you can capture the variables set in (guix config) during the build process. e.g. ,use (guix config) and %guix-version.
<freakingpenguin>Should capture the version of whatever Guix is invoking the build.
<PotentialUser-7>I got an error that my gpu wasn’t supported with free software and it basically told me to just get better hardware is there a way i can get the drivers orr?
<PotentialUser-7>Like i want to try guix but if my hardware just doesn’t work i just can’t use it
<wizard>PotentialUser-7: what gpu are you using?
<wizard>if it's an nvidia card you might have some luck with the noveau drivers
<PotentialUser-7>It says amd stoney [Radeon R2/R3/R4/R5] also i thought nvidia was notorious for having worse open source drivers then amd
<wizard>yeah nvidia is baaad there lol
<wizard>weird, the amd ones should work well?
<wizard>what version of the linux kernel are you using?
<PotentialUser-7>Its the one that came with the most recent installer
<wizard>you might need newer than version 6.2 to get that chip working according to the internet
<wizard>i think the installer comes with 6.0?
<PotentialUser-7>It says 6.0.10-gnu
<wizard>does it totally stop you from going through with the installation or can you next past it?
<PotentialUser-7>It says 6.0.10-gnu
<wizard>it might work if you install the system anyway and then run a guix pull and reconfigure after it's installed :p
<PotentialUser-7>sure ill try that it is kinda weird tho that its only supported after version 6.2 since this computer is pretty old
<wizard>yea idk im just trolling the internet and getting vague info from forums
<wizard>sometimes that's just the way development goes
<wizard>ACTION shrugs
<PotentialUser-7>ill try it and see how the rest goes
<PotentialUser-7>The installer crashed trying to access my wifi card
<wizard>PotentialUser-7: check your direct messages we can troubleshoot there :)
<RavenJoad>freakingpenguin: That should work! I will have to try that tomorrow. I recently pulled and will have to rebuild the world to deploy any changes to my running instance.
<wizard>heyyyy i got my build working :)
<wizard>shoutouts to reading the source of other people's packages
<wizard>i can close 800 browser tabs now
<RavenJoad>sneek: later tell civodul I figured out the most important problem of Guix in a Xen-hosted VM issue. Turns out I disabled VGA output somehow, which meant the actual output ended up wrong. Now, the initrd is still garbled, until init cleans up the output. That _is_ a Guix issue because it happens in Proxmox too.
<jaft``>wizard: what got things to work?
<wizard>setting the #:emacs argument to emacs-next-minimal
<wizard>this probably isn't fit for upstreaming in this state but i'm good just learning how it all works for now
<wizard>rn im trying to setup my own channel...
<PotentialUser-7>Im getting invalid seperator and it says (bootloader-configuration (bootloader grub-efi-bootloader) (targets “/boot/efi”))) can someone help i wanna finish this and go to sleep but i can’t because im getting this error for some reason
<jaft``>sneek: tell PotentialUser-7 that it's likely because the "targets" need to be a list: "(targets (list “/boot/efi”))" should work.
<sneek>PotentialUser-7, jaft`` says: that it's likely because the "targets" need to be a list: "(targets (list “/boot/efi”))" should work.
<jaft``>sneek: later tell PotentialUser-7 that it's likely because the "targets" need to be a list: "(targets (list “/boot/efi”))" should work.
<jaft``>sneek, botsnack
<jaft``>PotentialUser-7: Ahh; you're back. I think "targets", likely, needs be a list: try "(targets (list “/boot/efi”))", instead.
<PotentialUser-7>Its still giving me the error
<sneek>PotentialUser-7, you have 1 message!
<sneek>PotentialUser-7, jaft`` says: that it's likely because the "targets" need to be a list: "(targets (list “/boot/efi”))" should work.
<jaft``>Mmm; the only /other/ thing I can think of is are the characters you put in here the same one's in your config. file? I noticed “ and ” being used but those're more formatted characters than the general ". Maybe checking those? If that doesn't fix anything (or you are using " in spite of “ and ” showing up here), try putting your config. in PasteBin and put it here.
<jaft``>I can take a look at it, in whole.
<jaft``>And could you also put the error you're getting into a PasteBin, too? Might help in figuring it out.
<jaft``>Oh! I /may've/ spotted it. Try changing "(bootloader-configuration (bootloader grub-efi-bootloader) (targets (list "/boot/efi")))" to "(bootloader (bootloader-configuration (bootloader grub-efi-bootloader) (targets (list "/boot/efi"))))". That's what I have in my config. I expect it's finding "bootloader-configuration" to be invalid because, well, it is. "bootloader-configuration" should go under "bootloader".
<PotentialUser-53>The fact that i didn’t notice that earlier pains me but thank you so much
<PotentialUser-53>I mean i still got an error about extraneous field separators but finally
<PotentialUser-7>Initializers not seperators actually
<PotentialUser-7> I honestly don’t even know what this error message is about since its a massive line
<jaft``>Hmm; per the error, it looks like you still have "(bootloader-configuration (bootloader grub-efi-bootloader (targets (list "/boot/efi"))))"? Are you sure you changed it to what I'd suggested in "/mnt/etc/config.scm"?
<PotentialUser-7>I think i did
<FlaminWalrus>Was reading the docs about G-exps finally. They strongly resemble an ad-hoc typeclass.
<jaft``>Mmm; it doesn't look like it. On line 16, I still see it starting with "bootloader-configuration". I copied your paste, exactly, and modified line 16 to what I meant: Hopefully, it makes sense?
<jaft``>Oh; not quite. I see the change you meant. Lemme adjust that…
<PotentialUser-7>Yeah im dumb and tired so i misread it
<jaft``>Nah (at least, to the dumb part; I'm sure you're tired); Scheme code can be hard to read without proper formatting. In case it helps, I put the appropriate bit on lines 16–19 here:
<FlaminWalrus>When working with plain-file gexps it'd be nice if there were a Geiser integration that could give you markup and dedicated buffers for strings that are shell scripts or conf files, along the line of =org-edit-src-code=. I understand that at some point you should probably just use a file, but for stuff like =guix deploy= where you need the file source to be in the config for automation purposes it'd be nice to have.
<ennoausberlin>Hello Guix. What is the strategy to prioritise a package if it exists in two divergent channels?
<nikolar>There seems to be an issue with aarch64 substitutes
<nikolar>ffmpeg isn't built because of a dependency
<Aarush>why is " (packages (append (list
<Aarush> vim
<Aarush> gsettings-desktop-schemas)
<Aarush> %base-packages))
<Aarush>" not woking in config.scm?
<Aarush>How can I install packages sytem wide in guix? I am unable to do it by the method given in the manual
<Aarush>plese help
<fnat>I'm writing a least-authority service for ReadyMedia/MiniDLNA. The service fails to start because ReadyMedia doesn't seem to find the rm command (coreutils). The command is needed for ReadyMedia to clear its cache, apparently.
<fnat>I've tried various options: creating a custom ReadyMedia package that has coreutils as input; fidgeting with the PATH env variable and system-vs-container users; etc... - none of which proved to be a solid solution.
<fnat>Anyone has any idea of what the problem might be here? Glad to share my awfully-wip attempt.
<fnat>I'll probably ping guix-devel otherwise.
<AwesomeAdam54321>fnat: You're on the right track adding coreutils as an input, but the ReadyMedia package also needs to reference it by using the rm in its input
<fnat>AwesomeAdam54321: Ha! Right!
<fnat>Thanks, I'm going to try that.
<danielsz>Magit 3.3.0-8.538cb2f, Transient 0.7.3, Git 2.45.2, Emacs 29.4, gnu/linux
<jakef>I think there's a bug in emacs-magit. press 'b' for magit-branch and you get: transient-setup: Symbol’s function definition is void: transient-prefix-object
<fnat>AwesomeAdam54321: Brilliant, it works now! Thanks. :)
<nmeum>lilyp: thanks a lot for merging #72106! I think #71925 and #68296 can be closed as well now. can you close these or is there any way for me to do that myself?
<dariqq>does anyone have lightdm working? It doesnt seem to recognise sessions, i cant log in and looking at the logs it seems to request the default.desktop sessions and ignoring the seat setting
<dariqq>if i make a custom package with the session i want at PREFIX/share/xsessions/default.desktop things work
<freakingpenguin>dariqq: I don't use lightdm but maybe there's something helpful in the lightdm system tests. (gnu tests lightdm)
<dariqq>freakingpenguin: my setup is basically the same (repalcing ratpoisonwm with xfce). I even tried setting xfce as default session via a lightdm compile flag and still looks for default.desktop xsession entry. (again probably related to not searching the xsession directory properly)
<dariqq>so far i am happy that the manual default.desktop entry works (though the lightdm service could need some improvements either way). There is also a permission problem on the .Xauthority file of the lightdm user after restarting, not sure what the best way to fix this would eb
<dariqq>hmm weird just tried the same config on another machine in a sysmtem vm and there i dont need the workaround for the login
<elevenkb>I wonder do y'alls have a recommendation about where I could ask a fairly advanced question about booting using uki and an encrypted root partition?
<dariqq>even if i copy the exact config it works fine in guix system vm but not when using directly. I am out of ideas (but at least it is a problem with my setup). Maybe some weird cache somewhere?
<sneek>jaft``: wb!!
<jaft``>sneek: botsnack
<apoorv569>rekado: I tried `herd start/stop wireguard-wg0` for some reason it messed up my private key and because of that I have no internet access when connected to wireguard.