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<Noisytoot>What should the version number be for packages where upstream has no releases?
<jaft_r>Noisytoot: people usually give it a version of 0 or 1 but with a revision number so you can update it if the developer ever makes more changes but, still, provides no release (and it doesn't become just you supplying your own versioning system).
<jaft_r>The documentation covers revisions at,%20we%20package%20snapshots%20of%20upstream's%20version%20control%20system
<jaft_r>And you can see it in use at
<Kolev>Hi. How do I use `non-boot-file-system-service` to always have an external drive mounted to `/mnt/HUSKY` whenever the drive is plugged in?
<Kolev>I'd like the system to still function normally if the drive is not attached, but I want it to always be mounted when it's plugged in.
<Kolev>I was told was not correct.
<Kolev>I don't see any docs for `non-boot-file-system-service`.
<Kolev>Posted this issue to the mailing list. See you there.
<Kolev>What's that program that makes the flow charts for dependency graphs?
<AwesomeAdam54321>Kolev: Graphviz?
<Kolev>AwesomeAdam54321, thanks.
<feng>Hi! I've installed GNU Guix as a second OS on my computer. I would have
<feng> liked to build a custom OpenWrt using Guix. How to do it? I need to
<feng> install several tools:
<feng>I've read the GNU Guile manual partially but I haven't read the Guix
<feng> manual in depth! [10
<feng>I don't really master IRC. So I copied my message in the right place.
<feng>s/IRC/my IRC client/
<feng>Should I use guix shell?
<feng>I'll do my reading. I'll come back if I have any questions.
<lizog>hello guix, i'm trying to build an image which could run on chromeos. the image could be just a tarball, but it requires /sbin/init to exist. i've tried writting a fake "bootloader", but it only works when using `guix system init`. other than extending current `image-type`, are there any other way i could achieve this?
<pi`>salve, do we have documentation on using guix from the guile repl?
<feng>I would like to build OpenWrt but some prerequisites seems to be missing:
<feng>Checking 'ncurses.h'... failed.
<feng>Checking 'argp.h'... failed.
<feng>Do I need to modify the ncurses package?
<feng>That's strange because 'argp.h' seems to be provided by GCC and I installed gcc-toolchain?
<lizog>are you using guix shell?
<feng>ligoz: yes, guix shell --export-manifest ncurses toolchain-gcc ...
<feng>lizog: Sorry, I mistype your pseudo!
<feng>Any ideas?
<feng>I have no ncurses.h in the directory /run/current-system/profile/include
<feng>and no argp.h
<feng>(zzz) ~feng/.guix-profile points to the store where there is ncurses.h
<feng>Nevertheless, there is no argp.h
<feng>I think I'm still to beginner to use a system like Guix.
<b0ttymacb0tface>is it possible to use regexp or wildcards with pactl?
<b0ttymacb0tface>like pactl set-sink-mute * toggle
<nckx>I don't think so, b0ttymacb0tface. The only magic value I'm aware of is @DEFAULT_{SINK,SOURCE,MONITOR}@ .
<nckx>pactl list sinks short | while read sink _; do pactl set-sink-mute $sink toggle; done …? :-/
<dariqq>hi, several of my patches seem to have vanished from qa.
<Rutherther>yesterday there was an outage from overheating, maybe some data could've been lost?
<nikolar>Can someone check why librsvg build for aarch64 is failing
<dariqq>patches are from beginning of july or so. They never got processed but now the qa page says the issue has no patch at all
<nckx>rekado: Here's the full error I get, this time whilst using the ci.guix search field: ‘Web Page Blocked — An error occurred while trying to rate the website using the webfiltering service. — Web Filter Service Error N/A’
<nckx>Ah. The source says the generic logo is the Fortinet logo.
<nckx>So no surprise there.
<nckx>nikolar:, so not a ‘legitimate’ failure.
<nikolar>nckx: so it can just be replayed?
<nckx>I've restarted it.
<nckx>It might still fail because of
<nikolar>Cool thanks
<nckx><It might still fail> No it won't, nckx, learn to read.
<connorbey13>When you install a package is its icon missing for you in Gnome? I see there was a patch a few years back for this but it happening to me.
<connorbey13>Relogging in gets the icon back but shouldn't need to.
<noracodes>hi guix folks! i'm getting a new PC soon and i'm hoping to use guix's distribution (is it still called guix-sd?) as my OS. however, i would really like to use KDE, which doesn't seem to be packaged. is there anywhere i can look to read up on the progress of packaging KDE, and to see if i can help?
<AwesomeAdam54321>noracodes:/window 13
<nckx>noracodes: Is it not packaged as ‘plasma-desktop-service-type’ (together with the kgang of packages)?
<nckx>The OS was renamed to Guix System quite a few years ago but the name Guix SD still occasionally wanders in, all confused, and refuses to die.
<AwesomeAdam54321>noracodes: There's also plasma.tmpl in gnu/system/examples
<noracodes>Oh! Thank you nckx, I was basing my understanding on which reads "GNOME, Xfce, LXDE, and Enlightenment are available (see Desktop Services), as well as a number of X11 window managers. However, KDE is currently missing."
<noracodes>I'm glad to hear that's not the case - I guess the manual is out of date?
<nckx>Yes, that entire text is missing from my manual.
<nckx>There is no such list anymore.
<nckx>…no wonder. I removed it locally.
<nckx>In September of last year. So obviously I noticed the same thing as you, thought ‘such a list is fragile, let's just remove it’, but never pushed the change.
<nckx>‘KDE Plasma’ *is* the current name for the Kool Desktop Environment, right? They are synonymous?
<noracodes>Yep, KDE is the organization while Plasma is the desktop project.
<nckx>The commit is a bit of a congealed mess, so I'll separate this change and submit it soon.
<nckx>But the upshot is you should be able to use Plasma with current Guix System.
<nckx>It might not be polished, because KDE users are a niche within an already niche distribution, but it's there.
<noracodes>Thanks a ton! I'm so excited, this'll be the most powerful computer I've ever owned and the closest to entirely free software I've ever had. And declaratively managed ^.^
<noracodes>I'm happy to help out with fixing any issues that come up :)
<dariqq>Is plasma available through the installer as well?
<noracodes>Not the 1.4.0 installer, no. That's what lead me to wonder about its availability.
<nikolar>Btw a at-spi2-core test timed out and failed a build for aarch64
<nckx>Arbitrary upstream test timeouts are emissions of the devil.
<nckx>nikolar: In a mood to find where these are defined and how to override them?
<nikolar>nckx I could take a look later
<nckx>noracodes: should update soon—note the /devel/ URL, which I strongly recommend that you always use. The non-devel ‘stable’ manual matches the latest ‘stable’ Guix release, 1.4, which is getting quite old.
<nckx>I've been wanting to make /devel/ the default for ages now but the housekeeping probably required to make sure we redirect all users properly has discouraged me so far.
<nckx>I also rewrote the huge monolithic paragraph still visible at
<noracodes>Thanks nckx!
<stochastic>is there a way to init a Guix System without a kernel ?
<nckx>Uh. I was going to say no, but who knows how far you can actually get. To my surprise, ‘(kernel hello) (kernel-loadable-modules '()) (initrd-modules '())’ actually inits. Or at least it gets as far as ‘installing’ GRUB which fails with an error unrelated to my zany kernel.
<nckx>I'm sure you'll have to jump through some hoops but there are fewer than I expected.
<nckx>There we go. That was a long-forgotten incantation.
<stochastic>> Uh. I was going to say no, but who knows how far you can actually get. To my surprise, ‘(kernel hello) (kernel-loadable-modules '()) (initrd-modules '())’ actually inits. Or at least it gets as far as ‘installing’ GRUB which fails with an error unrelated to my zany kernel.
<stochastic>I see, interesting
<stochastic>I'm wondering if it's possible to run Guix with Xen, as paravirtualized machines
<nckx>I've admittedly never used Xen, but why would this imply using an external guest kernel?
<nckx>Well, I've never knowingly used Xen.
<stochastic>On xen, you can run paravirtualized machines that run off the host's kernel
<nckx>At least by default, Guix System relies on the kernel command line to find things like init, so I'm not sure how well that would jive.
<nckx>Also: initrds?
<nckx>The Guixiness starts at early boot.
<stochastic>Yeah, I guess it wouldn't port as well
<nckx>Interestingly, a very similar request only a few hours earlier:
<nckx>Hm, looking at ‘guix system image --list-image-types’, I see ‘wsl2’, and random strangers on Reddi^Wthe Internet are telling me that WSL2 supplies its own kernel and ignores the guest's. So this is probably doable, even though nobody's done it [upstream].
<nckx>Oh look, it does the exact dummy ‘empty file’ thing I imagined earlier:
<nckx>So you'd write your own variant of wsl-boot-program that does *waves hand* stuff, and boots the system.
<nckx>Not something I can help with as a user of neither, but I hope this monologue was vaguely useful.
<stochastic>Alright, interesting =)
<stochastic>i'll try that later
<noracodes>Welp, my system doesn't seem to want to boot.
<noracodes>I'm stuck after decrypting my disks:
<noracodes>Any help on how to troubleshoot this would be appreciated!
<nckx>My first guess would be that you're booting to Plasma but somehow you're not able to correctly display graphics. Can you type anything at that screen, or switch TTYs?
<noracodes>I'm actually booting to Xfce, but, that makes sense. I can't type here or change TTYs.
<nckx>The stuff after entering your LUKS passphrase is a normal successful boot (and the stuff starting with […] below that are kernel messages that should be harmless).
<noracodes>Yes, that makes sense. All expected based on the hardware I have, at least'
<nckx>Is this an AMD GPU? I know those can be particularly problematic because no modern AMD GPU works without proprietary blobs (I can probably generalise that to ‘any modern GPU’ but there might be exceptions), which Guix doesn't provide.
<noracodes>Okay yeah I'll run off to the forbidden land. Would be useful to document that!
<stochastic>> Is this an AMD GPU? I know those can be particularly problematic because no modern AMD GPU works without proprietary blobs (I can probably generalise that to ‘any modern GPU’ but there might be exceptions), which Guix doesn't provide.
<stochastic>yeah, any modern dedicated GPU to an order of magnitude
<nckx>ACTION unsmiles :(
<noracodes>I will refrain from making comments about how helpful it is to have a policy against discussing that.
<stochastic>> /me unsmiles :(
<stochastic>such is the life of the Guix gamer
<nckx>Comment acknowledged.
<nckx>The newest game I ever played on Guix was some 2014 Wolfenstein. My old ThinkPad could just about run it but I had to use the big 90W ‘gamer’ power supply.
<nckx>We'll just have to live in the past.
<stochastic>Oh, I've had pretty good results
<noracodes>I honestly would love to just not use the GPU but I do need to at least be able to like. Run X lol
<noracodes>I wonder if I can configure a software renderer. I should try that at some point.
<nckx>If you have the time and energy you could init a system without a desktop (so just a console login) to verify my untested hypothesis.
<nckx>sneek: later tell apteryx Belated thanks for your response to my PM!
<noracodes>I will try that as well! I do need a working system by tonight, but once I have that - or if [REDACTED] fails - I'll try initing a console only system on external media.
<nckx>sneek: botsnack