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<podiki>lfam: could be needing to make sure xdg_data_dirs is set and picked up, after installing icons did a re-login?
<wong>hello \o/
<meaty>hello \o/
<lfam>singpolyma: Icons are a special case in Guix. It could be that something needs to be installed and configured
<lfam>Good point about re-logging in podiki
<lfam>I'll try
<lfam>Sadly a login didn't help
<lfam>I'll look at what Nix does
<lfam>Hm, they don't do anything special in the package recipe
<oriansj>anyone going to add legacy packages like: ? or is it likely soon to be lost to time?
<apteryx>there's a 'guix-past' channel
<podiki>apteryx: any insight into these failing tests for qtbase-6 (on mesa-updates):
<podiki>i tried updating qtbase to latest but same test failures. not sure what the problem is, something about qt not initializing glx
<rynn>Hmm, weird. I did a guix install wine and it looks like it's pulling everything from shepard to guile to lots of stuff I know is already installed?
<ieure>rynn, Did you `guix pull' recently?
<pabs3>ieure: btw, there is a libre RPi bootloader in progress here
<pabs3>luca: ^
<mange>I'm having issues with "git send-email", complaining "Not using SSL_VERIFY_PEER due to out-of-date IO::Socket::SSL." and "To use SSL please install IO::Socket::SSL with version>=2.007". Is anyone else running into this?
<mange>I'm on 3c21d0da62b3d6832dd1ab450d8ab50ab8d38f27 using git and git:send-email from Guix. It also fails in "guix shell --pure git git:send-email -D guix" (the "-D guix" bit is needed for etc/teams.scm to work).
<ieure>mange, Sent a patch yesterday, didn't have that issue.
<ieure>$ guix show perl-io-socket-ssl | grep ^version # -> version: 2.081
<rynn>ieure: Depends on your definition of recently, I think my last guix pull was about a week ago.
<ieure>rynn, What does `guix describe' show? Should have the timestamp of your last pull. I'm asking because a big core-updates merge landed recently, which triggered either a world rebuild or very close to it. If you pulled since that happened, but haven't upgraded packages, an install is going to download updates to stuff that was rebuilt.
<rynn>Thanks ieure - I had just initiated a guix pull after reading your original message, so it's pulling in everything now that it hadn't already grabbed.
<jmes>A family member trying out guix and asking me why the linux-libre kernel is taking so long to build its derivation. If it was building the kernel (not using substitutes) the answer is obvious. But what makes a derivation take so long?
<jmes>Their hardware is worse than mine slightly but the question stands. Wouldn't getting a substituted kernel take just as long as a substituted anything else?
<mange>Hmm. I got it to work, but I needed to use "guix shell git:send-email git perl perl-io-socket-ssl perl-authen-sasl perl-net-smtp-ssl -D guix". Essentially, I needed to add the dependencies that should be wrapped around the send-email script. I can see the wrapper, but it doesn't include these deps for some reason.
<podiki>yeah something went wrong post core-updates; some inputs missing/didn't get wrapped i guess
<podiki>you can also use time-machine to go to a commit before the merge
<podiki>mange: good spot, does look like some paths missing from the wrap of git-send-email
<podiki>jmes: it should be "quick" if there is a substitute, but if one is trying something old it may be gone, or if new, it may not have been built. depends what commit they are on
<podiki>jmes: linux-libre was updated a few hours ago, so likely just unlucky timing
<podiki>sneek: later tell civodul regarding git:send-email, looks like some paths went missing from the wrap of the needed perl ssl inputs. not sure why (recent changes? build system changes with phase evaluation?)
<sneek>Will do.
<podiki>sneek: later tell apteryx I haven't had a chance to try to fix it, but git:send-email is broken on master, missing paths from PERL5LIB wrapping. not sure if it was from your recent git changes or build-system changes (something about phase evaluation changed from core-upates)
<sneek>Will do.
<podiki>sneek: botsnack
<jmes>podiki: Thanks for the reply. Funny thing: he got unlucky on the guix pull segfault the other day too
<jmes>Is there a way to reject an update if it doesn't have a substitute available?
<jmes>^ I guess setting GUIX_BUILD_OPTIONS to omit --fallback might do the trick
<jmes>Is this new GUIX_LOCPATH hint in the news relevant to Guix System users?
<reyman>Hi !
<reyman>After a guix pull & guix system reconfigure my guix home reconfigure is broken due to problem with borgmatic python-apprise dependency : apprise-1.7.4
<reyman>a pytest on mqtt failed
<reyman>FAILED test/
<nckx>jmes: No. It will go away when you've upgraded all active profiles (system, user, ...). The message itself could be improved, but it's not easy to make it both accurate and useful.
<nckx>jmes: There's no option to automatically abort updates if one or more store items can't be substituted. That's also not what omitting --fallback does (it's not on by default); see 'info (guix)Substition Failure' if you care. You could perhaps script something using 'guix weather <package>...'.
<nckx>But as for the kernel question, I'm not sure what's going on, or what exactly 'building its derivation' means here. The literal .drv should not take long to build, however grafts or computed origins can appear to make it take ages. Perhaps Guix is deblobbing the source locally, and this is not clearly printed as a real build?
<jmes>nckx: I see, thanks. I am now noting that it's gone after updating :)
<jmes>I did read Substition Failure but with rose-tinted glasses
<jmes>So I interpretted --fallback how I wanted it to work :P
<jmes>The guix weather idea is good, thanks for that. At the very least I can check manually. I always forget guix weather exists
<nckx>It's not an unreasonable thing to want, and nobody's fundamentally against it AFAIK. It's just not as trivial to implement as you might think.
<sneek>Welcome back civodul, you have 1 message!
<sneek>civodul, podiki says: regarding git:send-email, looks like some paths went missing from the wrap of the needed perl ssl inputs. not sure why (recent changes? build system changes with phase evaluation?)
<omar_b>Hi I submitted my first patch patch to guix 2 days ago. I noticed that some issues are still open for months. I wonder how long would it take for a simple patch to be reviewed?
<futurile>omar_b: it can vary quite a lot honestly. It often depends on whether there's an interested maintainer/team for that area. Is there a Lisp team, did you read the teams/branches section of the manual?
<omar_b>No Where's that part of the manual?
<Franciman>do you have any trick to directly find all necessary dependencies of a latex document?
<Franciman>it's a bit wary to keep requiring each dependency manually one at a time :P
<futurile>omar_b: try the web site and find the section called 'Branches & Teams'.
<futurile>omar_b: also your patch failed QA because it wouldn't apply cleanly -
<futurile>omar_b: you might want to try and apply your patch to a clean copy of master - if it needs revising send a v2
<omar_b>futurile: Ok will try that. Thanks
<reyman>I search a simple guix-home config that use yubikey, the one i use actually modify gnome to remove gnome-keyring.
<reyman>(to disable ssh-agent)
<fnat>Anyone who's familiar with Go can help me understand how difficult upgrading Restic might be?
<fnat>Current version is 0.9.6 which seems to be pretty far from upstream (1.17.x).
<fnat>There's a rather menacing comment in the source code that would seem to imply some difficulties with more recent versions of Restic and/or Go.
<fnat>I was going to send a link but Savannah is timeout-ing here.
<fnat>So far I've tried the basic steps, guix refresh and guix build. I'll do some more debugging later but perhaps someone might have looked into this already.
<zimoun>Savannah seems down for me. Is it expected?
<fnat>zimoun: Same here.
<abbe>it seems down for me too
<zimoun>thanks for confirming.
<nckx> has been under a steady DoS recently. This could be related.
<nckx>It could also be unrelated.
<nckx>I should write horoscopes.
<jackdk>But only horoscopes that people can copy, distribute, study, change and improve.
<nckx>Don't like your destiny? Change it!
<nckx>See, I alsowdo motivational quotes.
<abbe>back up now, time to update :D
<nckx>Rebooting some switches did it. Sorry for blaming innocent DDoSers.
<cbaines>argh, what's up with
<cbaines>OK, so it doesn't seem to matter what the first path component is
<weary-traveler>it's manual/devel/en i believe
<AwesomeAdam54321>What part of the website configuration is ignoring the first path component?
<AwesomeAdam54321>It's very strange
<cbaines>I think I've figured it out, it might be that the regexes don't match the start of the path
<Rutherther>!/manual/devel/en/guix.htmlI will use this one from now on
<cbaines>OK, should be fixed now and hopefully I'll be able to push once Savannah is back
<podiki>what are changes in nss/certs that might cause this test failure?
<podiki>seems can't load certs in tests?
<podiki>adding nss-certs-for-test fixes; will push
<PuercoPop>The latest kde upgrade (~3 weeks ago) broke my multimedia keys. I've tried debugging the issue to no avail. I checked the keyshorts are there, I've tried resetting them as well. I've setup a pipewire home service. Not sure why they stopped working so unsure what to check either. Anyone ran into a similar issue?
<PuercoPop>Also, where does herd write stderr to? her start redshift fails, but I can't find any error message in the files in /var/log
<dariqq>is there a good way i can debug a remote guix-daemon erroring when offloading
<podiki>Berlin Cuirass may be stuck, hasn't evaluated master in several hours (gc-ing?)
<civodul>oh, again?
<civodul>ACTION looks
<civodul>podiki: fixed thanks! it was stuck for ~5h in a git fetch
<civodul>the infamous
<podiki>ah due to savannah hiccup?
<podiki>i seem to have good/bad timing at hitting these things :-)
<civodul>yes, i think the Savannah hiccup triggers that bug
<aswjrisp> says 404 Not Found nginx
<aswjrisp>I have installed Guix as an operating system. Is the manual included with the Guix operating system?
<aswjrisp>ACTION checking `info`
<aswjrisp>There are info entries for guix stuff. I will look in there.
<aswjrisp>ACTION runs `info info`
<elevenkb>Are there plans to allow system configurations to set the partition table of a disk?
<aswjrisp>I would like to stop the display manager from starting when the system is booted and instead start x manually.
<aswjrisp>Looking at config.scm that was created from the graphical installer with i3 selected.
<aswjrisp>I think the display manager would be under services.
<Rutherther>if you do not want the display manager at all just don't include it in your services (it's included in %desktop-services, so modify those with modify-services
<aswjrisp>But the display manager is not explicitly under services. However I do see %desktop-services which a comment describes as a default list of services.
<Rutherther>it is directly under services, if you have %desktop-services there
<Rutherther>see modify-services procedure
<aswjrisp>Rutherther: Is there a way to see everything included in %desktop-services and %base-packages?
<Rutherther>also if you won't use a display manager you should probably add startx-command-service-type to ensure the startx command you will be using has the proper configuration
<aswjrisp>Rutherther: thanks for pointing out modify-services and startx-command-service-type.
<Rutherther>aswjrisp sure, it comes from the Guix channel, so search in there for those, and see what's inside. Or alternatively just see the manual, since it's also documented there.
<Rutherther>sorry that's wrong manual, devel should be used
<aswjrisp> 404 Not Found nginx
<aswjrisp>I will try to see if I can find them in info.
<podiki>(above link works here)
<Rutherther>yeah, the site is the same as info
<aswjrisp>podiki: I just doubled checked the url. I get 404. I will look for it with info.
<nckx>Sorry for spamming guix-commits@. Pushed a temporary branch on a machine that had Savannah as ‘origin’ instead of ‘upstream’.
<aswjrisp>Looking at 11.10.9 it mentions %base-services. I think I will start change from %desktop-services to %base-services and build up from their to get i3 or sway working.
<aswjrisp>In info 10.11.9 is Desktop Services
<jaft_r>I forget: is CUPS part of %desktop-services, now, or does it have to be added manually (no worries, if no one knows off the top of their head; I can look it up in the manual, of course)?
<aswjrisp>jaft_r: I was just looking at the Printing Services section in the manual. It does not look like it says if cups is part of %desktop-services.
<aswjrisp>I recently installed guix with the graphical installer and it used %desktop-services.
<nckx>The documentation for the CUPS service wouldn't say which lists it's in. But it's not in %desktop-services.
<nckx>Pretty sure the installer offers it as an option, though.
<aswjrisp>I noticed that when I ran system reconfigure I did see output about about cups.
<aswjrisp>I can't remeber if I selected cups in the graphical installer.
<nckx>aswjrisp: Look in your system configuration, search for ‘cups’.
<vagrantc>hrm. The north american build farm seems to have stalled out :(
<aswjrisp>nckx: cups is in use-service-modules
<nckx>That's a no-op. If cups-service-type is not mentioned in your (services …) list, CUPS is not enabled.
<nckx>use-modules simply import Guile modules, that is, bring variables into scope. They don't ‘do’ anything.
<aswjrisp>nckx: okay
<nckx>I'd compare it to #include in C but to be honest the average C header is a lot less well-behaved :)
<jaft_r>Thanks, aswjrisp and nckx; my inclusion of cups-service-type in my system services looks like it was a good call on past-me's part.
<nckx>If it were in %desktop-services, Guix wouldn't actually let you add a duplicate one. Consider that a feature or a bug, it can be both.
<podiki>vagrantc: yeah, i had to remove it from my config a few weeks ago because it would often not respond (or some similar issue)
<podiki>likewise with the bordeaux us mirror, also some issue not having nars very often